Compliance Statements

Environment Policy
At Finglow Consultants Ltd (FCL) we are committed to protecting the Environment. In order to meet this commitment we will:

  • Minimise use of all materials, resources and energy;
  • Wherever possible and practical, use renewable or recyclable materials;
  • Minimise waste and maximise recycling of waste materials;
  • Encourage employee environmental awareness and involvement in environmental action;
  • Continually review and strive to improve environmental systems.

Equal Opportunities
At Finglow Consultants Ltd (FCL), we are committed to the principle of equal opportunities in employment and are opposed to any form of less favourable treatment or financial reward through direct or indirect discrimination, harassment, victimisation to employees or job applicants on the grounds of race, religious beliefs, political opinions, creed, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, marital/parental status, sex, sexual orientation or disability.

We are opposed to any form of less favourable treatment on grounds of handicap or age.

We recognise our obligations under the Sex Discrimination Act, The Equal Pay Act, Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome, The Race Relations Act and The Codes of Practice published by the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality and the European Commission.

a) For the elimination of discrimination on grounds of sex or marital status and for the promotion of equal opportunity in employment.

b) For the elimination of racial discrimination and promotion of equal opportunity in employment.

c) For the elimination of discrimination in pay between men and women who do the same work, or work of a similar nature or work of equal value.